Tuesday 11 April 2017

WWOOF take 2...

Well, here I am again! 

I can't believe it's SIX YEARS almost to the DAY that I had my last blog post....

And I've been a little busy in that time!


I came back to York, worked as a Montessori Pre School Room Lead, moved to London to do a MSc in Dance Science, stayed on as Intern, started a job as Montessori Room Lead in London, moved back to Malton, worked again as a Montessori Room Lead, 

Turned 30...re-evaluated my life (as we all do when we turn 30)

Became a self-employed therapist in The Emmett Technique, became an EMM-Tech tutor, became an Emmett Practitioner for Dogs, became a trainee instructor for the Dog Course....

...and back to travelling :)

Oh and during that time met the love of my life Dan and got engaged. (Dan says hi). 

I guess quite a lot in 6 years really. 

So this time round the blog is a little more focused, hopefully more regular, and a way to record my experiences to share with you all, (and a way of remembering them myself!)

I hope you enjoy this journey of ours, it's going to be a fun few months, and hopefully you might learn a few things too!


P.S. I do that Twitter and Instagram thing now....

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