Monday, 15 November 2010

Arrivals and Departures

Hi everyone! Though  I was sad to leave Orcheton Quay, (again) I was looking forward to moving on my journey to head to Exeter.I'm now here at Shillingford Organics. I arrived at lunchtime and have settled into my new accommodation and met some lovely people already, including Mel, the other Wwoofer here at the moment. I've already been shown the 5 polytunnels by Martyn and been told that it's possible I may become the new salad bag girl, (after Mel goes) which is interesting! I've also briefly discussed some Steiner with Iain, and bio-diversity, both of which I think are fascinating subjects. I've met Tilly the dog,  who is so adorable, and seen where the grading and sorting happens. 
I have both signal for my phone and wifi in the staff room so I'm all set to be updating my blog far more regularly for the rest of this month!
The hours here are 7am- 1pm, (gulp!) but it means I'll have plenty of free time to a) write the blog and b) go and do things and explore the area so I can have things to write about in said blog!

I'd love to write more now, but the potatoes are on the boil, the organic sausages need to be cooked and more chatting with Mel needs to be had so you'll have to wait til later for more info I'm afraid!
(Oh and by the way, my accommodation is TO DIE FOR! I've already got my little wood burner on the go, it is toasty warmies!- photos to follow!)

I shall be backtracking in the next few blogs so I include the last week of activities, which include polytunnels, forest gardens and I also want to write up on some articles I've been reading. Hope this sounds appealing! 

Oh, one more thing, please feel free to comment on each post, as I'd love to know what you all think of my escapades!

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