Thursday, 17 March 2011

A Cat among the Willows

So I didn't update yesterday, mainly because I was doing what I have been doing, that is....cutting willow! It was a sunnier day so we set to work cutting and grading the shoots. The cat kept joining us and wanted to sit in my lap a few times, which didn't help my work! I was using a stool to sit on as crouching for long times starts to get to my back. It was beautiful as the snow slowly melted in the sun. 

In the afternoon, I went for a wander up the fields to see the building that someone had done a few years ago, having been allowed the use of the land by Geoff and Jane. It really is beautiful and sitting well in the land. The style is similar to a straw baled house, (which it is) and wood is very much enjoyed!

Today we headed out in the rain (ew) to finish cutting the willow in the back field, which we finally did! 
I then reattached the tube which captures the rainwater from the polytunnel and directs it into a waterbutt. Having already worked with polytunnels, the key is to make sure it is BONE DRY! This time, I used brown tape, and it really does attach well. It's a good way of capturing water. I often wonder about all the water that is caught from the roof....why don't we all use more water butts? If I'm ever lucky enough to build my own house, I'm going to make sure that any water I can capture, I will! The first place I stayed at wwoofing used water from the stream for the shower and taps. It was so pure and nice to know that I wasn't wasting water in a way.

Later on today, I got to use the shredder for the smaller willow offcuts. It was fun!!! I enjoy machines :)
The chopped up bits then go on the compost and are said to be great. 

Well, I have a day off tomorrow, so, after having a look at some tourist sites....I think I shall head to Castle Douglas for a mooch. It is a food town, so that makes me happy! 
Or...maybe Galloway Wildlife Park? OR perhaps Stranraer? Or even The Burns Museum?

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