Tuesday 22 March 2011

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.....

Hi everybody....Haven't written for a while....I have been doing my twitter, so it's kinda like writing my blog every day....I haven't really broken my Lent resolution?!

Anyway, had some busy days recently... On Friday I went exploring. I woke up to a shining sun and so decided to head out. I didn't make it far before I was at the edge of the loch, sitting on a large rock soaking up the sun. The views were just so nice. But...time was ticking so headed on to my first stop which was Castle Douglas....what a lovely lovely place! The first shop I went into were very friendly, and quite happy for me to browse around. I then explored the high street...managing to buy something in the charity shop, (well, it was organic cotton, so it was fine!) I also found the best shop for tapestries, so am now stuck deciding on my next one. I do a little every day on an evening...it's very relaxing and requires less concentration that reading does!
I spent most of the morning in Castle Douglas and also had lunch there. The cafe I went to, (Designs) was situated in a really nice shop, one of those that you want to buy everything in at once! They also have a great jewellery section and an exhibition space that changes regularly. Downstairs, the cafe was packed and the atmosphere was one of vibrancy. Everyone I met was helpful and friendly, and it was so nice and such a change from around where I live.
I also managed to find a jewellers that had a really good selection of charms for my bracelet, so I now have to decide between a goat, (as I'm a Capricorn), a thistle, (Scotland) or a cup and saucer, (tea, obviously!) I shall have a think...

After lunch, (and having posted some postcards-which arrived the next day: amazing!) I drove to Kirkcudbright, (pronounced: Ker-cud-bree) which is an artists' town. It was again, very pretty, and I nipped into a beautiful garden at Broughton House. The house opens in April, but the garden was peaceful and beautifully kept. From Kirkcudbright, I drove along the coast almost, stopping off where I saw a bit of sea. It was just a parking lay-by at the side of the road, but there was a little gate and behind was a grassy path. I followed this through some lovely mossy old trees and came across a small beach. I haven't mentioned the weather so far, but it was a gloriously sunny day. I went down to the beach and it appeared to be covered with small white shells and a little further on there was a smooth tree trunk. It was almost magical and I'd have loved to have stayed there longer. By this time it was 4 o'clock and I was ready for some tea. I headed back to the car and literally round the corner of the road I saw a sign for "The Tea Pot", so I carried on a little further and found a small cafe at the side of the road. I grabbed a cuppa and sat out at the back and again looked over at the sea, (I think it was the Water of Fleet). 
Back on the road, I followed it round to Newton Stewart, then cut across Galloway Park. The views driving past the sea as the sun was starting to go down were stunning, I only wish I could stop the car and savour them! Three images especially...three tiny lambs flat out galloping to their mother in the field, the silhouette of some horses on the hillside with the sun and sea behind them, and the first open daffodils by the road.
Travelling through the park was lovely as well and one road sign made me laugh: WARNING! RED SQUIRRELS!

I arrived back home tired and very happy. It was the perfect day off. As the following day was Saturday, Geoff and Jane said I could have that day off too! Since I had done a big explore on the Friday, I decided to stay more local and so set off for Ness Glen. This follows the river out from Loch Doon and I thought I would go from there into Dalmellington and back. Having organised a packed lunch, I set off. I decided to take the path that went along the top of the gorge and was glad I did. It was so peaceful and calm. I took my time, stopping often to admire trees and take photos. It was quite a walk, but thoroughly enjoyable. I even heard a woodpecker and nearly stepped on a toad! 
The path takes you up into Bellsbank estate which is a bit different and from there you walk into Dalmellington. When I went it was quite quiet and many shops had metal bars and padlocks. Not the most welcoming place. There is a Co Op, so you can nip in for stuff if you need to. Compared to the walk it wasn't as picturesque but the people were friendly enough.
After I got back, my legs were pretty tired but the fresh air makes me feel so good!
Sunday was another quiet day; both Jane and myself didn't feel up to much so we did some stacking of the willow outside so it wouldn't go soggy on the ground, and then some digging in the polytunnel. After lunch we collected some of the offcuts from the filed ready for burning and that was it!

Monday was more physical: I dug up about 15+ willow trees that weren't needed anymore. That required a lot of energy so I've started having two breakfasts! One at 8am and one around 10:30am! I burn off too much! After that I set to work on the potato bed behind the polytunnel. However, an easy job because rather tricky when I discovered that the nettles from the other side of the fence have been slowly spreading their roots all through the bed. So that was more pulling and tugging! I now have very muddy knees on my trousers!

Today I finished off the potato bed, then transferred all the compost from one bed to another, so it was turned. I then finished all the shredding!

 That's it so far, it doesn't seem much but it keeps that days full. I still can't get over the beauty of the place...every view makes me stop and absorb it and the woodland is so mossy and lush. I've decided I love being near lakes, (not the sea!) and I enjoy the rise of the hills in the background. It's also so greata to be outside all day, every day. I think I would struggle to have a job that's inside all the time. 
I've uploaded the rest of the photos, but it takes a while here so you'll have to go see them rather than put them into the blog. Enjoy!

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